Fullerton College provides Wi-Fi coverage for Staff and Faculty. If you have a Chromebook, please follow the instructions below to connect to Employee Wi-Fi Network.
- FCNet E-mail address, example: [email protected]
- FCNet Password
1. At the bottom right, click the Wi-Fi icon in the status area. Once the menu appears, click the Wi-Fi icon
2. Click on the Wi-Fi network you would like to connect to, for example: Employee.
3. Click the menu below Security to select EAP
4. Click the menu below EAP method to select PEAP
5. Click the menu below EAP Phase 2 Authentication to select Automatic
6. Click the menu below Server CA Certificate to select Do not check
7. Click the field below Identity to enter your FCNet E-mail address in the following format, fc\FCNet E-mail address, for example: fc\[email protected]
8. Click the field below Password to enter your FCNet Password
9. Click Connect at the lower right of the Wi-Fi Network menu
10. You will be taken back to the Wi-Fi Network menu and the Wi-Fi network selected will display.
If you encountered any difficulties, please Contact Academic Computing Technologies (ACT) Help Desk