This can be done on your Fullerton College campus issued Laptop and/or your Fullerton College workstation that is located on the Fullerton College campus. (Please note this is after all the files from your Div/Dept Drive Share have already been migrated to the cloud)
1. Login into your Fullerton College workstation or your Fullerton College campus issued laptop.
2. Click on Microsoft Teams.
3. Click on your Div/Dept Team (You may be a member of multiple Teams. The Div/Dept Drive Share steward should have sent you a Team invite. If you do not know the name of your Div/Dept Drive Share steward, please contact your Div/Dept Admin Assistant).
4. Once the files have been migrated, they will automatically appear in your Div/Dept Team in the files section of the General channel. (General is the first channel in any Team) In the image below the user is part of the ACT Staff Team. (Your Div/Dept Team should have the name of your Div/Dept. You can contact the Div/Dept Drive Share steward if you are unsure of the name of the team).
5. Click on your Team
6. Then click on the General channel.
7. Then click on Files up at the top.
8. This will display all the files that are in the General Channel of that Team.
If you would like to view Div/Dept Drive Share files in a file browser, you will need to sync the files.
Before you Sync the files please note: The amount of time it will take to sync your entire Div/Dept Drive share depends on how many files you have on that share and, what workstation you are using to sync, (at home or on campus).
- If you are physically at your FC campus workstation or if you Remote Access your FC campus workstation and you chose to sync your entire Div/Dept Drive share to that FC campus workstation it should take no longer than 15 min. (it may only take 30 sec).
- If you are at home using an FC campus issued laptop or your own personal device and you choose to sync your entire Div/Dept Drive Share (to that FC campus issued laptop that you are using at home or your own personal device) your wait time depends on how many files you have on that share and your internet connection speed at home. This may take 15 min, 2 hours, or 2 days.
- You may choose instead to sync only certain folders you commonly use on a regular basis.
The instructions below describe how to sync your entire Div/Dept Drive share and then they will also describe how to sync only file directories that you commonly use on a regular basis.
Please do not sync your entire Div/Dept Drive Share (and then also sync) only file directories that you commonly use on a regular basis (on the same device). This will cause the files to be displayed in two locations on the same device.
How to sync your entire Div/Dept Drive Share:
If you are physically at your FC campus workstation or if you Remote Access your FC campus workstation and you chose to sync your entire Div/Deprt Drive share to (that FC campus workstation, it should take no longer than 15 min, it may only take 30 sec). If you use the instructions below to sync your entire Div/Deprt Drive share to an FC campus issued laptop that you are using at home or your own personal device at home your wait time depends on how many files you have on that share and your internet connection speed at home. This may take 15 min, 2 hours, or 2 days.
1. Open Microsoft Teams and navigate to your Div/Dept Team.
2. Then click on the General Channel within that Team.
3. Then up near the center top click on Files.
4. This will display all the files that are in the General Channel of that Team. Navigate to your Div/Dept Drive share folder. (It may be named Migrated)
Once you know that you at the root of your Div/Dept Drive share folder click on Open in SharePoint in the upper right side.
5. This will bring up a browser page that looks much like the Div/Dept Drive Share files page in Teams.
6. In the image below the root directory is in Document>General. (It may say Document>General>Migrated for your Div/Dept Drive Share). Once you know you have navigated to the correct location then click the Sync button up at the top.
7. Once you have clicked the Sync button you can click the Cloud icon in the lower right corner This will bring up the status of the files that are Syncing.
8. Once all files have synced the Blue section should say “OneDrive is up to date” (In the image below it also says “You’re all set. All files are in sync”. It may not say this. It may just display the last files that were synced).
9. Then open up a file browser by typing This PC in the lower left search box Click on This PC from the menu.
10. You should see multiple directories on the left side.
11. Click on the icon to the left of Fullerton College Directory.
This will expand the Fullerton College Directory Your Div/Dept Drive Share should appear at or near the top. Click the icon to the left of any directory to expand that directory.
You should now be able to access your Div/Dept Drive Share files as you did before.
How to sync only specific folders on your Div/Dept Drive Share:
1. If you would like to just sync a specific folder and not your entire drive share then open up Microsoft Teams and navigate to that folder. In the example below I have navigated to the contents of the folder in the General Channel. (For you it may be General>Migrated>Budgets). It may not be the Budgets folder. It’s just the folder of your choice within your Div/Dept drive share.
2. Once you have navigated to the desired location click on Open in SharePoint in the upper right corner.
3. This will bring up a browser page in SharePoint that displays that specific folder as it does in Microsoft Teams.
Then click on the Sync button up at the top.
4. The amount of time it will take to sync that specific folder depends on the folder size and, what workstation you are using to sync, (at home or on campus).
Once you have clicked the Sync button you can click the Cloud icon in the lower right corner This will bring up the status of the sync for that specific folder
5. Once that folder has synced the status in the Blue section should say “OneDrive is up to date” (In the image below it also says “You’re all set. All files are in sync”. It may not say this. It may just display the last files that were synced).
6. Then open up a file browser by typing This PC in the lower left search box Click on This PC from the menu.
7. You should see multiple directories on the left side.
Click on the icon to the left of Fullerton College Directory. This will expand the Fullerton College Directory Click the icon to the left of any directory to expand that directory. Then only the contents of that specific folder that you chose to sync will show up under the Fullerton College building icon in a file browser.
You should now be able to access that specific folder on your Div/Dept Drive Share files as you did before.
If you have any questions please Contact Academic Computing Technologies (ACT) Help Desk